Thursday, September 10, 2009

To Prove

It's nearly weekend again!
Yesh, tomorrow is a bball day again~
Normally I would feel really exited
And would watch the nba clips and my favourite "Kobe Doin' Work" over and over again before I go to play

But recently, I have been experiencing this weird feeling
A feeling of fear
Fear that I would not perform as well as I did last week
I fear that my shooting stroke would be gone
I fear that I would not have that shooting spree this week
Is it because that I have improved so much that I become afraid of losing the gift?
I felt the improvements, I had proved myself for the past few weeks
I have been feeling good and awesome
I just want that feeling to come every single week to me

Is it the fear that should be felt?
Or is it all me, being paranoid?

Basketball is a game of execution
The team which executes well wins all
The player who feels good, deserves to shoot the ball more
Hmm...I'm gonna talk myself out of this paranoiac situation...
I JUST need to prove that I can DO IT again
Again and again......

"When I lose the sense of motivation, and the sense prove something as a basketball player, it's time for me to move away from the game of basketball...", said Michael Jordan.

I guess there aren't many people who can feel the way Michael felt at that time
Imagine how great you have to be to say those kinda words...
Ya, maybe Kobe can say that, but Michael is always Michael
Not just physically, but mentally tough
Inside out strength, that's what a basketball player needs
Thanks Michael, For Inspiring Us.


  © I can accept failure, but I can't accept not trying. (Michael Jordan)

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