Friday, October 02, 2009

The Proposal

It's 12 midnight on a great friday night
I can hear cars passing by, people laughing and talking on the streets
And I was sitting on a 99 dollars Ikea chair watching "The Proposal"
On my beloved laptop that makes me feel so good everytime I use it
Forgetting about the backache and sore legs after a nearly 4 hours basketball session

Well that's not the point...
The point is...the movie is TERRIFIC~!
Not that excitingly terrific, is that touchingly terrific......
For those who loves love comedy, that's the one to look out for
I love love comedy, those which have Hugh Grant, Sandra Bullock, Drew Barrymore, Jennifer Aniston in it...
They are just so inspirational, not only in terms of love, but in terms of life
There are always this scene that a single woman/ man who lives in the busy New York City (Doesn't matter it's above a busy restaurant, a trendy high class apartment, or an old wrecked penthouse), that they come home, press a button on their answering machine and hear a monotonous voice: "You have no new messages..."
I used to admire that kind of life where you live by yourself, come back to your apartment which you own all by yourself after selling your life to a company to pay off the mortgages
Sometimes, I just enjoy the loneliness, the ability to tune down the pace of my life for just a bit
Away from the world, away from the business, away from people, for just a while, just a night
It gives me a chance to think...
To think about my future
To think about changes to be made
And to think about my motivation
Quality time spent...

Back to the movie
I learnt yet another aspect of love:
"To love someone is to give up something"
It may sound so normal, that it's almost  a common sense
But to do it, not so easy I guess, at least from my perspective
Sometimes, we give up pride, to give way and bridge the gap in between
We find ourselves on the weaker side of the balance, and realise that there's no need to be equal
We show our respect, to display understanding, just to learn about each other more
We forget about the routine and principles of our life, just simply there's something which worth more fighting a ground for
Sometimes, we just forget that we are in love when we are in fact in love
In the movie, Margaret (Sandra Bullock) confess and give up her career, in exchange for Andrew's (Ryan Reynolds) and his family's happiness, as she has fell in love with him for the past few days.
That's when "Giving up something in me to create happiness in you, or even us" kicks in...

To love, is a simple yet unfathomable task
I said so, because I have failed to love, and to convey my love either through words or action
I will not give up, because to love, is the most enjoyable ability in my life, felt thru' my heart and soul



  © I can accept failure, but I can't accept not trying. (Michael Jordan)

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