Saturday, October 29, 2011


Monday, October 24, 2011


Approaching the end of uni life

Things are going well fortunately
The idea of trying to graduate just got stronger and stronger
And the will to execute the plan is never more determined
All thanks to the good things that happen around me all these days
And I'm pleased to have picked up the blessings put in front of me
All and all, they kept me motivated :)

CCBL came to an end 2 weeks ago
The unbeatable A-Team led by Allen did not give the crowd any element of surprise that night, they just proved once again that they are the best and their only goal is the gold.
Having said so, the match wasn't easy for them. Glory gave a fight and certainly looked like a contender, they made it hard for A-Team, and of course interesting for the crowd.
We came a long way organising this league, from the secret planning, all the way to the invitations and till this point of the year.
For sure there's lotsa space for improvements, but it wasn't easy already for us being a first timer.
I'm glad I've involved myself in this committee, I've definitely learnt lots and for sure valuable experiences.
Not to mention all the friends that I've made, they're precious. Friends are forever, keeping that in mind is already soothing when I look at my life ahead. They've helped me to learn the ways to deal with problems, the ways to interact and respond, and of course the ways to show love without pretending.
That's just priceless!
CCBL, from my point of view, will face a pivotal season next year
Looking at the possible committee members for next year, I'm relieved that it looks like CCBL is in good hands.
Definitely hope to hear more about the growth of CCBL next year.
It's already like a baby to me
I hope it'll be able to generate the atmosphere that we've been trying to create..
Friendly, enjoyable, non-hostile and for God..

Year of 2011's coming to an end soon
Hopefully my studies in uni too :)
Can tell I'm really nervous? haha
2011 has been a roller coaster ride for me
Despite all the let downs, I still see myself rising like never before
Thanks for the love from above, I'm protected and grown
Even this very moment while I'm typing this blog, I was told this news that my friend have this empty room for me in sg to move in! possibly!
That's just...amazing!
And I'm grateful that god just sent some friends into my life
To give me a whole new perspective of my life and they were able to help me answer a few questions in life that I always doubted
And most importantly, they showed me what I really want and cherish in life

Mum has been biting my back about girlfriend!
I guess she's getting nervous :p even more than I do!
But it's amusing seeing her asking about this and that
Despite all the uncertainties, I'm certain that god has this one person for me to meet, to be friend with, and to get together when the timing is right!
Sometimes I wonder...what's she doing right now? Is she someone I've already known? Keeps me optimistic!
I have faith!

"Don't shut love out of your life by saying it is impossible to find.
The quickest way to receive love is to give love;
The fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly; and
The best way to keep love is to give it wings."

Pivotal point in life!
I hope the wisdom I've gained over the years will help me to keep my composure when the challenge comes
And patient, patient, patient!
It's a big thing for me to learn this year! Especially!
Life's never been better for me, it just get better and better no matter how you look at it :)
Sometimes I'm glad that I'm oblivious to all the sorrows in life..haha
But to be oblivious is not to be cold-blooded tho :)
Still more to learn, still more to anticipate!

Check this out: Jeremy Lin!

  © I can accept failure, but I can't accept not trying. (Michael Jordan)

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