Monday, November 07, 2011

What's coming?

Have you ever got a feeling that..
Time slows down when you're anxious and worried
It speeds up while you're having fun?

Tougher times are harder to endure
Obviously you don't have to put up with happiness
But often what we forgot about after coming out from that tunnel of hardship
Are those bags of memories, lessons in life

I look forward to life ahead!
And anticipating all the good things
Without dismissing the possibility of bad ones to happen
Not too late to realise that failure makes people stronger I guess :)

I used to find excuses for my failure and shortcomings
And piling up lies on a foundation made up of lies

And lies are like cement powder without water
You can poke with your little finger and they'll collapse
That's why lies are not good if you haven't figured it out!

Sometimes it takes a lot of courage to admit that you're wrong
It takes some character to be the first to say sorry
It is about loving others and not being selfish
Often when we figure it out, it's not that hard really
But I guess it takes lotsa practice to have that kinda thought in mind when challenges come
When you say sorry to yourself, you made a decision "to try and do better next time"
Even if you fail next time, I guess you'd be making progress
Of course, issues needed to be taken care of
So that is how you grow and become a person you are now

I'm still young, I can still take some hits :)
What's ahead? I dunno! But must be something good!


  © I can accept failure, but I can't accept not trying. (Michael Jordan)

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